Bundle one universal case and three interchangeable designs for only $18 with the code ALTRBundle


Altr your Case; Altr your life!

Altr Case is a new spin on the phone case. Offering a single case with many interchangeable designs! Our custom designed Altr Cards allow you to quickly change the look of your case without the need to purchase multiple expensive cases.

But Altr Case is about more than just appearance. In the coming months, we will be inviting outside designers to submit #designsforacause. A program in which unique custom Altr Cards will be available with a donation going to the designer’s charity of choice to help Altr the lives of others!

Thank you for learning more about Altr Case and please follow our journey on Instagram @AltrCases and on our website www.altrcase.com! 

Contact Grace Andreski (founder and student) at help@altrcases.com to purchase or with any questions!